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Release Notes

Get a grip on what's new! Release notes keep you updated on handy new features and improvements in splose.

Updated this week

2nd September 2024 - Release 29.1.2

Release 29.1.2 in splose involved an update to the API, improvements to the ACC integration (NZ only) and minor bug fixes and improvements.

API update

The API has been updated to allow:

  • Put appointment endpoint:

    • able to update an appointment by ID

    • can update start field

  • Put support item endpoint

    • able to update a support item by ID

    • can update toMinutes and returnMinutes field

Online booking phone number

A minor bug was resolved whereby the phone number field in online bookings was indicating that a phone number was invalid whilst it was still being typed. This will only show now once the person has clicked out of the phone number field.

"New" removed from embeddable forms

The "new" tag on the embeddable forms feature (in settings) has been removed. Further updates to the forms feature are currently in development.

ACC invoicing (NZ only)

An improvement was made to the ACC invoicing feature to ensure only services with a linked ACC claim are loaded into the ACC invoicing module.

ACC patient details

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing the ACC form from being completed when an employer's address was missing. This has been updated to an optional field.


Minor improvements were made within splose to ensure consistent styling.

Availability October 6th

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing availability to show on October 6th.

Previous Release Notes

28th August 2024 - Release 29.1.1

Release 29.1.1 in splose featured the implementation of custom filters for the aged debtors report, the ability to log our users everywhere and minor improvements.

Aged debtors report - custom filters

Custom filters have been added to the aged debtors report.

Log out user everywhere

Owners and practitioner admins are now able to log users out if required. Learn more here.

Form phone number field

The phone number field styling in forms has been improved for consistency.

Security measures

A proactive security measure was released.

For security reasons, the technical details of security updates are not disclosed.

As always, you can read more about splose's commitment to privacy and security here and here.

SMS communications

A minor improvement was made to manual SMS functionality to show who sent the manual SMS in the patient's communications section. Previously it shows "system" for manually sent SMS too.

Deactivate practitioner workflow bug

A minor bug was resolved in the deactivate practitioner workflow.

23rd August 2024 - Release 29.1.0

Release 29.1.0 in splose featured an improvement to navigate of patient communications, a deactivated practitioner workflow update and exciting updates for the ACC integration for NZ workspaces.

Communications subject

The communications page of a patients profile now has a subject column. This was a popular feature improvement request from the splose community and improves navigation of the communications page dramatically.

Deactivate practitioner workflow

When a practitioner is deactivated, workspaces are now prompted to either archive future appointments and support activities or assign them to another practitioner.

ACC claim form patient prefill (NZ)

NZ workspaces can now send an ACC claim form to new patients to complete which prepopulates the patients ACC patient details and ACC claim details in splose. Read more here.

ACC invoicing integration (NZ)

The ACC invoicing integration has been improved to allow multiple invoices for practitioners to be processed at the same time.

Additionally, the ability to change vendor ID in the invoicing workflow has been implemented. Read more here.

ACC finances in reports (NZ)

Data from ACC invoices has been added to revenue in practitioner performance reports and billed items.

iCal calendar feed

Improvements were made to the iCal calendar feed to improve performance.

Zoom bug

A bug was resolved which preventing some workspaces from connecting Zoom after the release on the 21st of August.

21st August 2024 - Release 29.0.2

Release 29.0.2 in splose featured release of the Zoom integration for UK workspaces, ACC45 practitioner declaration for NZ workspaces and a variety of minor improvements and bug fixes across all workspaces.

Zoom integration (UK)

UK workspaces are now able to integrate Zoom.

ACC45 practitioner declaration (NZ)

A practitioner declaration has been added to the ACC45 form to support ACC compliance for NZ workspaces. Read more here.

Appointments report - group appointment progress note filter

An improvement was made to the progress note filter in the appointments report.

Previously if report with a filter for appointments with no progress note was run, it would return all clients in a group appointment even if only one of the clients progress notes were incomplete. This has been resolved.


A short description has been added to the forms template creation modal to help new users better understand the difference between standard and embeddable forms.

Room / resource availability

An improvement was made to the performance of the room / resource availability function. No changes to the front end user interface were made however users may experience improved speed when using this.

splose AI microphone

An improvement was made to the microphone notification that a user receives in their browser to clearly show when the microphone is being accessed.

Email sent status

A bug was resolved which was causing issues with the accuracy of the email sent status across the last week.

Removal of new labels

"New" labels were removed from features in splose that are no longer new! "New" labels will continue to be used for new features that splose introduces.

Patient right side panel

A bug was resolved which was causing the right side panel in a patients profile to be hidden from view if the "other details" information contained a lot of text.

17th August 2024 - Release 29.0.0

Release 29.0.0 in splose featured the introduction of per practitioner pricing for splose AI subscription, an update to the splose AI model and release of ACC32 functionality for NZ workspaces.

splose AI per practitioner pricing

Workspaces are now able to enable splose AI at a per practitioner level instead within subscriptions settings.

splose AI model upgrades

splose AI model has been upgraded and users will experience better comprehension, contextual understanding and generation capabilities leading to improved overall performance and accuracy.

ACC32 (NZ workspaces)

ACC32 forms are now able to be submitted to ACC and changes applied to ACC claims once accepted by ACC. Read more here.

Deleted patients

A minor improvement was made to the error messaging if a user clicks on a link in an historical appointment where that patient has been deleted and no longer exists in splose. It is a rare occurrence however required improved error messaging nonetheless.

13th August 2024 - Release 28.0.0

Release 28.0.0 in splose featured the introduction of placeholders in progress note templates, extra cancellation information in invoice templates, ACC purchase order field and minor bug fixes.

Placeholders in progress note templates

Placeholders are now available in progress note templates to prepopulate patient, practitioner, business, date and service details in progress notes for practitioners.

You can read more about this here.

Cancellation information on invoice

Workspaces can now choose to show more information about cancellations on invoices including the cancellation code, reason, notice and note.

This setting is accessed in invoice templates and you can read more here.

ACC purchase order (NZ only)

NZ workspaces can now add a purchase order number to accepted ACC claims.

This will prefill the purchase order field in ACC invoices.

You can read more here.

Product stock

A minor bug was resolved which was allowing products that were out of stock to still be added to an invoice.

Busy time recurring edit

A minor bug was resolved which was impacting the ability to edit all occurrences of a repeating busy block.

New appointment from patient appointment page

A minor bug was resolved which was impacting the ability to book a new appointment from the appointments page of a patient's profile.

Receipt email currency (NZ & UK only)

A minor bug was resolved which was causing the currency code of NZ and UK workspaces to show the AUD currency code in receipt emails.

Progress note long title

A minor bug was resolved which was causing the client name in the progress note menu bar to hide if the progress note title was long.

8th August 2024 - Release 27.4.0

Release 27.4.0 in splose featured the release of AI letters & provider travel defaults, an update to the API and several bug fixes.

Letters AI

A new splose AI feature has been added called Letters AI.

Workspaces with an active splose AI subscription can now use saved AI to help write letters based on information in progress notes and the patient's details.

Provider travel defaults

A new feature was released to allow users to set up default values for provider travel, provider non-labour travel and activity based travel for services.

This change allows the values to be prepopulated when a user books a service to speed up the service booking workflow for mobile healthcare services.

Public API appointment arrival status update time

An update to the public API was made to allow users to query appointments based on the arrival status update time.

Spelling error

A spelling error was resolved in the room / resource modal.

Appointment buffer time

A bug was resolved which was preventing buffer time before and after an appointment from loading.

Patient report speed

An improvement was made to the patient report to improve the speed of the report running.

7th August 2024 - Release 27.3.0

Release 27.3.0 in splose featured the release of two-way SMS in the UK, new invoice email sent statuses, ACC updates in NZ and some minor improvements.

Two-way SMS [UK workspaces]

Two-way SMS has been released for UK workspaces.

Invoice email sent statuses

Invoices now show:

  • a failed status clearly if an email has failed to send

  • a delivered status

Invoices can be filtered by these new statuses.

Tyro Health products & custom line items

An update to the Tyro Health integration was made to allow product and custom line items to supported.

ACC icon on calendar [New Zealand workspaces]

An ACC icon has been added to the calendar to help workspaces identify if a service has an ACC claim selected or not. The icon will show if a claim has been linked to the service.

ACC claim import [New Zealand workspaces]

An improvement was made to the ACC claim import workflow to streamline importing claims for patients for do not have their ACC patient details filled out yet.

ACC in paid employment field [New Zealand workspaces]

A minor bug was resolved to change the ACC in paid employment field in ACC patient details to optional (not mandatory)

Merging patients on screener

An update was made to ensure to improve the workflow of merging patients that are still on the screener. A patient cannot be merged if they are still on the screener, they need to be added to the waitlist or rejected prior to merging. New help messages were added to support users.

Performance report wording change

A minor change was made the wording in the performance report to better describe how the new patient setting works. No change to functionality was made.

31st July 2024 - Release 27.2.0

Release 27.2.0 in splose featured custom filters for billed items, splose AI email assistant beta & new ACC functionality for NZ workspaces.

Billed items report

Custom filters were added to the billed items report, including the ability to filter by invoice status.

AI email assistant [beta]

A new splose AI feature has been added whereby splose AI supports practitioners to summarise the recent progress note.

splose AI will detail the date of the appointment, summarise the clinical activity in the appointment based on the finalised progress note and detail the date of the next appointment.

The splose AI email assistant is in beta and will expand functionality in the coming period to have custom prompts.

AI voice to text

An improvement was made to ensure that when using "insert text" the text is inserted where the cursor currently is in the progress note instead of at the base of the note.

ACC claim expiry, treatment total & treatments used [NZ only]

New Zealand workspaces are now able to set and edit ACC claim expiry, treatment totals and treatments used. You can read more here.

ACC claim import [NZ only]

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing some ACC claims from importing.

Gensolve import

The import processor has been improved for workspaces migrating from Gensolve.

Appointment service change and travel

An improvement was made to ensure that when an appointment service is changed, the linked provider travel is automatically updated to the new services provide travel.

Form emails

An improvement was made to the sending of forms for users experiencing slow internet speeds. On rare occasions, if a user sent multiple forms to a client in quick succession, whilst experiencing slow internet speeds, the user may experience an error.

Form header logo

A minor bug was resolved which was causing a workspace's logo to still show when a form header logo was selected.

Folder download

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing folders in client files from downloading.

Workspace url redirects

An improvement was implemented to support workspaces if they change their business name. A workspace's previous splose domain is now able to be redirected to their new splose domain.

24th July 2024 - Release 27.1.0

Release 27.1.0 in splose involved minor improvements across a range of features and small bug fixes.

Password reset

Account owners and practitioner admin roles are now able to trigger a password reset for users.

Default country code for contact phone number

The country code for contact phone numbers now defaults to the workspaces country.

Finalised support activity progress notes

An improvement was made for finalised progress notes linked to a support activity to ensure the linked service shows on the note in zen mode.

Letter arrived appointments

An improvement to letters was made to ensure arrived appointments in the appointment dropdown now show in descending order. This ensures the most recent arrived appointment shows first resulting in a quicker action for users.

Performance report archived services

An improvement has been made to include archived services in the performance report.

Performance report page size

An improvement was made to the performance report to allow different page sizes (e.g 10, 20, 50, 100, 200).

Patient tag in patient report

The patient tag has been added back into the patient report.

PDF preview

An upgrade to the PDF preview feature was made to enhance performance and reliability.

Xero integration

Improvements were made to the Xero 2-way integration with respect to performance across new countries that splose now operates in, including NZ and the UK.

Invoice reminders

A bug was fixed which was causing invoice reminders to sometimes be triggered for a paid invoice.

Send upcoming appointments

A bug was fixed which was preventing downloading the PDF of upcoming appointments for a patient if the user was not on the first page of the patients appointments.

Merge patients

An improvement to the merge patients function was made to ensure the progress note "last update" date and time is not impacted by the merge.

Book another

An improvement to the book another feature from an appointment was made to ensure that if the appointment had a case associated with it, the case automatically populates in the book another appointment(s).

12th July 2024 - Release 27.0.1

Release 27.0.1 in splose involved updates to the performance report, an improvement to NDIS number inclusion on invoices and bug fixes.

NDIS number

Users are now able to automatically show the NDIS number field on an invoice without having to enter the NDIS number into the "extra client invoice details" section of patient details.

This function can be enabled in enabled in settings - invoices - invoice templates.

For workspaces that already have the NDIS number entered into the "extra client invoice details" section, enabling this feature will cause a duplicate of the NDIS number on invoices for current participants.

This change has no impact on the bulk upload process for NDIA-managed participants as this process uses the NDIS number field already.

Performance report

The performance report has been upgraded to include custom filters and the ability to save / load filters.

The option to exclude busy time from utilisation calculation has been added to support workspaces that prefer to base utilisation calculations only off available time not available time minus busy time.

The option to include all invoiced items for utilisation calculation has been added to support workspaces that need to include invoiced did not arrive and cancelled appointments in utilisation calculations.

KM's travelled has been added to the performance report. This counts KM's that are entered into the provider travel - non-labour costs section of an appointment.

splose AI

Wording on the splose AI trial sign up process has been improved to make it easier to understand when billing commences (after the 14-day free trial).

Insertion of transcript text from AI voice to text has been improved.


User generated communications are now able to be deleted.

System generated communications, such as appointment reminders or invoice emails, are not able to be deleted.

Help guide links

Help guide links have been added to several settings pages.

Xero integration

The xero integration has been upgraded to link to the xero bulk payment page from splose payment details.

Appointment templates

The form placeholder in appointment templates (e.g confirmations and reminders) has been updated to prevent embeddable forms from being selected.

Cases in group appointments

A bug was resolved which was disconnecting cases from group appointments when a group appointment was edited or dragged and dropped in the calendar.

Broken Hill timezone

A small bug was resolved which was preventing the Broken Hill time zone in Australia from being set.

Billed item report

A small bug was resolved which was preventing data from being returned when an archived location was in the filter.

Tyro Health DVA claiming

A small bug was resolved which was preventing DVA claiming in rare circumstances.

Security measures

A proactive security measure was released.

For security reasons, the technical details of security updates are not disclosed.

As always, you can read more about splose's commitment to privacy and security here and here.

9th July 2024 - Release 27.0.0

Release 27.0.0 in splose involved the completion of the splose AI beta and proactive security measures.

splose AI

The splose AI beta phase has completed and splose AI is now available for all workspaces as an add-on!

A huge thank you to all users and workspaces that participated in the beta and to those patiently waiting for access.

You can read more about splose AI, including privacy and security, here.

Learn how to sign up and use splose AI here.

We are looking forward to adding more features to splose AI in the coming quarter.

Security measures

Several proactive security measures were released.

For security reasons, the technical details of security updates are not disclosed.

As always, you can read more about splose's commitment to privacy and security here and here.

8th July 2024 - Release 26.2.2

Release 26.2.2 in splose involved minor improvements and bug fixes.

Dashboard GIFS

A minor bug has been resolved which was preventing GIFS from being posted to the splose dashboard.

.eml & .msg file preview

.eml and .msg files are now able to be previewed when uploaded to client files.

SMS in New Zealand

One way SMS has been implemented for New Zealand workspaces.

Import improvement

An aspect of importing of support activities from other systems has been improved.

Reports menu update

The "beta" and "new" report tags have now been removed from the reports left side menu. This declutters the splose user interface and is appropriate as custom filters in reports are no long in beta.

Xero UK

A minor update was made to improvement the 2-way splose Xero UK integration.

Tyro health group appointment

A minor bug was resolved for Australian splose workspaces which was causing an error when submitting certain tyro health claims related to group appointments.

SMS recharge reminder

splose SMS recharge reminder emails were not sending. This has been resolved.

Communication & email right click

A bug was resolved which was preventing copy / paste via right click working in the communication and email editor.

Progress note PDF

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing the service information, such as date and time, from showing on the finalised progress note PDF if the service had been cancelled.

Edit appointment or support activity

A minor improvement was made to the edit appointment or support activity function in the calendar.

If a user edits the appointment or support activity to change the client that it is associated with (instead of archiving and creating a new one), then the appointment or support activity will automatically dissociate any case from the previous client without the user needing to.

2nd July 2024 - Release 26.2.1

Release 26.2.1 in splose involved several improvements, minor bug fixes and the release of the splose Xero UK integration.

Security measures

As part of splose's commitment to proactive security measures several updates were made across splose servers.

Clients report filter update

Practitioner status, name and group filters were added to the clients report.

Xero UK application

A UK specific Xero application has been launched as part of the rollout of splose in the UK. UK workspaces can learn more about Xero UK here and the 2-way splose - Xero integration here.

Waitlist column reordering

The order of the waitlist columns has been updated to make it easier to see the service, location and practitioner a client is waiting for in the default view without scrolling.

Payment timezone

The timezone of a payment has been updated to ensure it is linked to the location timezone to better improve payment data accuracy for remote administration workforces working across different timezones.

Cases chart

A minor bug was resolved which was causing different invoiced information to show in the cases chart as compared to the cases table.

Stock management

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing available stock from being updated unless track stock was enabled.

Forms report

A minor bug was resolved which was preventing users with the receptionist role from being able to view the forms report despite having the privilege enabled.

27th June 2024 - Release 26.2.0

Release 26.2.0 in splose focused on improvements to the splose ACC integration for New Zealand workspaces.

ACC reconciliation workflow

The ACC reconciliation workflow has been improved to streamline how New Zealand workspaces charge gap fees on top of ACC claims.

ACC injury claim selection

An ACC injury claim can now be selected in the calendar workflow which improves the end to end ACC workflow for New Zealand workspaces.

ACC read codes

Several duplicate read codes were removed.

Zoom integration

A bug was resolved which was impacting zoom integration functionality.

26th June 2024 - Release 26.1.1

Release 26.1.1 in splose involved the addition of custom filters to several reports, several improvements and bug fixes.

Clients report

The new clients, clients without upcoming appointments and upcoming birthdays reports have been combined into the new clients report with custom filters.

Forms report

The incomplete forms report has been combined into the new forms report with custom filters

Waitlist report

Custom filters have been added to the waitlist report.

Progress Note Import

An improvement to the importing of progress notes into splose from other practice management software was made.

Embeddable Form

A bug was resolved which was causing an issue with embeddable forms in an iframe.

Tyro Health

Small changes were made to the Tyro Health integration to improve error messages related to an archived location or provider number without a location assigned.

25th June 2024 - Release 26.1.0

Release 26.1.0 in splose involved an expansion of the splose API. You can read more about the splose API here.

Public API - Appointments now includes status updated

Updated to include the time that the appointment status was updated at. Read more here.

Public API - Patients now includes custom fields

Updated to include custom field data. Read more here.

Public API - Patients now includes NDIS details

Updated to include NDIS details for Australian workspaces. Read more here.

Public API - Waitlist Screener

Access to data in a workspaces waitlist screener has been added to the splose API. Read more here.

Public API - Waitlist

Access to data in a workspaces waitlist has been added to the splose API. Read more here.

Public API - Forms

Access to data in completed forms has been added to the splose API. Read more here.

Public API - Cases

Access to data related to a patients case(s) has been added to the splose API. Read more here.

22nd June 2024 - Release 26.0.0

Release 26.0.0 in splose involved infrastructure changes for UK workspaces.

Technical changes for UK workspaces

As part of GDPR compliance, infrastructure changes were released for UK workspaces. No changes were made across Australia and New Zealand workspaces and no changes were made across features.

20th June 2024 - Release 25.1.1

Release 25.1.1 in splose involved several bug fixes whilst the engineering team prepare for a significant release across UK workspaces in the coming days.

Invoice Item Time Description

A small bug has been resolved that was causing the appointment time to sometimes not display on invoices.

Progress Note Services Dropdown Menu

A small bug has been resolved that was sometimes causing issues with the time zone of services displayed in the progress note services dropdown menu.

Custom Fields Export CSV

A small bug has been resolved that was causing issues with the presentation of custom field data in the exported csv.

18th June 2024 - Release 25.1.0

Release 25.1.0 in splose involved a significant update for New Zealand workspaces with new ACC integration features as well as a variety of handy improvements and bug fixes across all workspaces.

ACC Feature Updates - New Zealand Workspaces

In this release, splose workspaces in New Zealand are provided with additional ACC integration features including reconciliation with intelligent matching.

This update deepens splose's integration with ACC from invoice creation and claim submission through to reconciliation.

Security and Technical

Due to splose's expansion into the UK and Europe, achieving GDPR compliance has ensured that users in all countries have benefited from increased security.

As noted in the previous release notes you can read more about our commitment to security here and here.

Invoices - Changing Locations

The ability to change locations within a draft invoice has been reinstated to support workspaces that have unique workflows with respect to how they use locations for reporting.

Invoices with Credit Notes

Invoices with current credit notes or previously voided credit notes are unable to be edited. A pop up has been implemented to make this clearer to users.

Progress Note Hyperlink Bug

A bug has been resolved that was causing hyperlinks in progress notes for some users to redirect or default to

Payment Report Column Update

The payments report has been updated to improve the formatting of the date column, both in the front end of splose and in the csv export.

Dashboard Message Editor

The dashboard message editor has been refreshed to have the same functionality experienced in the email editor.

Form Editor Delete Button

A small change has been made to the delete button in the form editor. The delete confirmation message is a larger pop up now which prevents minor user deletion errors from occurring.

5th June 2024 - Release 25.0.2

Release 25.0.2 in splose involved several proactive security and technical deployments and a variety of handy bug fixes and improvements.

Security and Technical
In this release several security and technical upgrades were deployed as part of our ongoing commitment to proactive privacy and security measures.
Recently, splose achieved GDPR level compliance highlighting our commitment to industry leading privacy and security. You can read more our commitment to security here.

Progress Notes from Deactivated Practitioners
When a practitioner was deactivated, their notes were hidden. This bug has been resolved.

Report: Progress Notes Searching
The search template function when running a report for progress notes was not working as expected. This bug has been resolved.

splose AI Access
A bug has been resolved which was preventing some practitioners from accessing splose AI.

splose AI Ask AI Menu
The Ask AI menu in progress notes has been improved to ensure certain functions are only available if a user has highlighted text in the progress notes.

Report: Accountant Payments Report Export
A bug has been resolved which was preventing users with the accountant permission from exporting the payments report.

Report: Payments Report

A bug has been resolved in the time column which was exporting the time in epoch time rather than human-readable date and time.

Waitlist Tags
A bug has been resolved which was preventing waitlist tags being deleted in settings if these tags had previously been applied to a deleted client.

Large Email Attachments Error Message
An error message will now show if users try to email attachments over 40mb. This allows users to know why the email is not sending.

Password Protected PDF Files
A bug has been resolved that was preventing users from closing the password pop up field.

Letters Permission Update
The letters permission has been updated to appropriately consider the patients permission with respect to "patients the practitioner has an appointment with" as well.

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