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Set up cases

Track a client's allocated hours, budget or appointments with cases. Track NDIS budgets, Medicare plans, class passes and more.

Updated over 3 months ago


Cases help you to track a client's allocated hours, budget or appointments. Cases give you the ability to accurately track appointments and support activities added to your calendar and also count provider travel, non-labour costs and activity-based transport.

Allocated vs Invoiced

There are two important case-tracking capabilities to help you accurately manage client funding.


The allocated case amount is the total appointments, support activities and travel assigned to a case and added to the calendar. Allocated tracking tells you exactly what the total expected funding used will be based on what has been added to the calendar.

For example, if you have added appointments with travel recurring for a year, the amount allocated helps you identify if you have maximised the client's funds, under-utilised or exceeded the total client funding.


The invoiced case amount tells you what appointments, support activities and travel have been invoiced, so you can quickly compare the case funding invoiced with the total expected amounts based on what is allocated.

Create a new case

You can create a case from the client record in the cases tab, or from the calendar. Search for a client, then go to the Cases and click + New case.

Or, when creating an appointment or support activity, from the cases field, select + Create a case.

Case fields

Case number

This is auto-created by default and increases by one number for every case created. You can also set your own case number or add text if you prefer to give your case a more helpful name for admin and practitioners, such as SP 22 October 2022, 10 class passes or CDM 5 Appointments 2022, SC 20 hours etc.

Assigned practitioner

This is the case manager or primary practitioner responsible for managing the case. Note that this doesn't restrict other practitioners from adding billable activities to the case and is just a reference.

Issue & Expiry date

Interchangeable is used as the Start and end date, these two dates are when the case begins and ends. Note that billable activities can only be assigned from the calendar if the case is open and expired cases won't be displayed.


A referrer is most commonly the referring doctor, and this field is required for Medicare & DVA plans. When entering and making a claim with Medipass, the referring doctor fields are passed to Medipass for fast-claiming.

If a General practitioner (Doctor) is added as a referrer, the doctor's name and provider number will be stored in the case. If a Specialist (Doctor) is added as a referrer, the doctor's name and provider number will be stored in the case.

Referral period

If the client has a referral from a doctor, then you can enter the referral period. For General practitioners, the standard is 12 months, for specialists, the non-standard is 3 months and indefinite has no expiry. The referral period is also passed to Medipass for fast-claiming.


Add a note to a case for record-keeping purposes to assist admin and practitioners when viewing the case.


Upload files from the client's files or drag and drop new files to upload. Attach the client's NDIS plan or Medicare plan.

Assign appointments

Select any appointments that are included in the case. You can add and remove appointments at any time. Provider travel attached to appointments are automatically included.

Assign support activities

Select any support activities that belong to the case. You can add and remove support activities at any time.

Click Create when done.

You will then be moved to the viewing page where you can see a summary of the case and the case charts.

Viewing the case from the calendar

Easily access the case details at a glance from the calendar and see the allocated case funding in hours or budget. If appointments are tracked, you will see which appointment this is in the total number of appointments, such as appointment 2 of 5.

Make selecting a case mandatory

You can make selecting a case mandatory when booking an appointment or support activity. Go to settings > services and select a service.

Scroll down and you will find the option to "Make adding a case compulsory for this service". Toggle this on and click save.

Toggling this on will enforce this for when this service is booked moving forwards.

Open and close a case

You can also close a case at any time, which will update the status. You can then re-open a case if needed. Closing a case will prevent adding new appointments to a case from the appointment creation modal. If a case is expired, you will see the expired status.

πŸ“ You can receive email notifications when a case is approaching its expiry date or has reached a specific level of utilisation by setting up a case alert.

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