Create a group appointment

Create a group appointment and add multiple clients to it. Great for classes and group sessions.

Updated over a week ago

Group appointments allow you to add multiple clients on one appointment time, which is great for classes and group sessions.

Create a group service

First, make sure you have created a service that allows multiple clients to attend it. Go to Settings, then Services and make sure the max number of clients that can attend the appointment is set to more than one.

Create a group appointment from the calendar

Go to your calendar and create a group appointment by clicking on the starting time.

Complete the details of the group appointment, including the max number of clients who can attend it and any repeating rules.

After creating your group appointment, you will see all of the details from the appointment modal. You can start to add clients to the appointment, by clicking '+ Client'.

The group appointment details are displayed here including the clients who are currently added to the group appointment.

Once a client is added, you can see their specific details for the appointment, like if they have been invoiced, if there is a progress note, intake form, and the status of the client's attendance.

If a client cancels or does not arrive, you will see the status from the appointment modal.

If Google is connected then you will be able to open up the group appointment in your Google Calendar.

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