You can completely customise your current and upcoming availability using our monthly availability feature.
You can create availability per day, per week, per fortnight or custom days. Weekly and fortnightly availability applied will only affect future dates, therefore not affecting previous availability.
If you are a practitioner, you can update your availability by going to My account (top right icon), then click Availability. If you are a practice manager or receptionist with access to the users page, click on a practitioner, then click Availability.
Create recurring availability
Click on a date, then choose Apply weekly to future days or Apply fortnightly to future days.
You can repeat this for all other days.
Create once-off availability for a specific date
If you know that at an upcoming date, your availability is going to be different to your typical availability, then you can edit your availability and apply it to a single date (without affecting your existing recurring availability).
Create availability for multiple custom days
If you know that for a number of upcoming dates, your availability is going to be different to your typical availability, then you can edit your availability and apply it to custom days (without affecting your existing recurring availability).
Availability and online bookings
If you plan on offering online bookings, then you will need to know that the availability you set here will determine the times when clients can book appointments with you.