There are multiple ways to setup your workspace to deal with invoicing accredited employers and/or private insurance providers. This is one of the more common methods, but feel free to use your creative licence if this does not suit your needs.
Setting up services:
Create a Service Tag
Go to Settings in the top-right corner of your workspace, then select Tags.
Create a new service tag named "Accredited Employers" or "AE" for short.
Create a New Service
Navigate to Services and click + New Service.
This service will be used for accredited employers and will not be visible to the public.
Name Your Service
Choose a name that reflects the service you provide, as this will appear on the invoice sent to the accredited employer and this will be seen by your patients by default in any appointment confirmation or reminder emails.
Specify the Service Type
In the Type field, enter a reference, such as "Accredited Employer" or "AE". This will allow you to search for this service by Type when selecting a service to book in the calendar view.
Add the Service Tag
Attach the Accredited Employers service tag to this service.
ACC Details Toggle
Leave the ACC details toggle off, as this service is not invoiced to ACC. (This option is visible only if you have enabled the ACC integration in splose.)
Set the Price
Enter the total price you typically invoice an accredited employer. (You can adjust this manually when creating an invoice if necessary.)
Complete the Service Details
Fill in additional fields, such as the description, duration in minutes, tax details and give your service a colour.
Save the Service
Click Save to finalise the setup.
Tip: Handling Multiple Service Costs
If you provide services with varying costs to accredited employers and wish to use batch invoicing (see below), ensure you create separate services with distinct prices. This allows you to accurately capture the different price points when invoicing in bulk.
Setting up Contacts:
Create a New Contact
Go to the Contacts section in the top menu of your workspace and click New Contact.
Enter Contact Details
Fill in the necessary details for the accredited employer.
Add a new Type, such as "Accredited Employer" or "AE", for easy identification.
Locate Accredited Employer Information
Find accredited employer details on the ACC website or request a list from the splose team.
Setting up Patient Details:
Create a Patient Tag
Go to Settings, select Tags, and create a new patient tag called "Accredited Employer" or "AE".
Assign the Tag to Patients
When it becomes apparent that a patient is linked to an accredited employer, navigate to the Patient Details section and Edit their details, adding the Accredited Employer tag.
Set Invoicing Preferences
Scroll down to the Invoicing section in that patients details section.
Under "Send invoices to", select the specific accredited employer for the patient.
Save Changes
Click Save to finalise the setup.
You can invoice accredited employers in splose using two methods: one-off invoices or the batch invoicing function.
Method 1: Invoicing for One Appointment
Create an Appointment
In the Calendar view, schedule a new appointment and select the appropriate accredited employer service.
Add an Invoice
Click on the appointment in the calendar and select 'Add Invoice' as you normally would.
Edit Invoice Details
Adjust the price and/or add additional invoice lines if needed.
Finalise the invoice by clicking 'Create Invoice'.
Email the Invoice
Select 'Email Invoice' to open a draft email containing the invoice.
Edit the email as needed or use the default template.
You can customise email templates under Settings > Emails.
Method 2: Batch Invoicing
Access Batch Invoicing
In the top menu, go to Invoices, then select Batch Invoice, and click + New Batch.
Set Filters
Choose the date range, location(s), practitioner(s), and the patient tag created earlier (e.g., "Accredited Employer" or "AE").
To exclude cancelled or DNA appointments, use the Status filter and select Arrived.
Run the Batch
Click Run to generate a list of invoiceable appointments within the selected period.
Select and Create Batch
Tick the checkbox in the top-left corner to select all appointments.
Click Continue, then Create Batch.
Email All Invoices
Select Email Invoices to send all invoices in one go.
Ensure you have an appropriate email template created beforehand.
The emails will be sent to the designated contacts set up for each patient in the earlier steps.
Monitoring Payments:
Keep track of unpaid invoices and ensure timely follow-up using the tools available in Splose.
Monitor via Calendar View
Use icons in the Calendar View to quickly identify unpaid invoices.
Run Reports
Generate reports like Aged Debtors to review outstanding payments and track overdue invoices.
Automate Reminders
Use the Invoice Reminder function to automate email follow-ups for overdue invoices, reducing manual effort.
Reconcile Payments
Stripe Payments: Invoices paid via Stripe reconcile automatically.
Bank Transfers: Payments made via bank transfer require manual reconciliation in Splose.
Filter Reports with Tags
Use service tags, such as the Accredited Employers tag, to filter reports for more detailed insights.