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Send statements to clients

How to generate and send account statements to clients based on activity and outstanding balance.

Updated over a week ago

๐Ÿ’ก Statements automate the process of generating and sending an outstanding balance or client's activity manually, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

This feature is designed to help you generate accurate and up-to-date statements for your clients with just a few clicks.

How to Use Splose's Account Statements Feature

Go to a client record, then click on Statements.

Choose your statement options settings.

From here, you can select:

  • To run the statement by Activity or Outstanding balance

  • The date range for the statement

  • All or individual locations

  • If you want to include the client's address

Then click Update.

Once you've selected your clients and statement settings, you can generate and send the statements with just a few clicks.

Email statement

Send a statement by clicking Email statement, then select a client or contact and click Send.

You can customise your statement template in Settings, then Email templates.

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