Ensure that you are always connected to https://splose.com

How to know that you are browsing securely using https://splose.com.

Updated over a week ago

As our service grows in popularity, it is inevitable that people or criminal organisations will attempt to scam you by pretending to be us and requesting personal details from you in order to gain access to your account.

If you receive an email that looks suspicious, it's important for your safety and the safety of our customers, to notify us as soon as possible and forward the email to support@splose.com so we can investigate it.

Firstly, ensure when you access Splose that the URL is https://splose.com. Click on the "Lock" icon on your browser:

On Chrome

On Firefox

On Safari

It's easy for criminal organisations and developers to make a website look identical, but you can always make sure it's really Splose by checking the Security certificate and the URL. Splose will never send you to a website other than https://splose.com but if you're ever in doubt, always contact us before entering personal log in details.

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